Living a blessed, full, and busy life to the fullest. Loving Christ, my husband, my daughters, my family and friends with all my heart. ALWAYS looking for ways to save money and great deals. HATE shopping, but if I have too, I might as well spend as little as possible :)
Friday, December 28, 2012
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Hoppin' For The Holidays Giveaway Hop
Head over to Don't Mess With Mama
and enter a great giveaway!
Ends December 29, 2012
Friday, September 21, 2012
I Will Not Apologize
There are many people in this Nation who spout "Tolerance and Acceptance." Let me state for the record that there is a fine line between tolerance and acceptance. I tolerate many things in life that I still disagree with, and sometimes we must agree to disagree.
This, however, does not mean I will open myself up to the immature garbage that is spouted. We are part of this world, but not of the world. I am a Christian. I will stand behind what I believe until the last breath leaves my body. I love sharing with others what Christ has created me to be.
This, however, does not mean I will open myself up to the immature garbage that is spouted. We are part of this world, but not of the world. I am a Christian. I will stand behind what I believe until the last breath leaves my body. I love sharing with others what Christ has created me to be.
“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns” (Phillipians 1:6).
> If you are an atheist, I do not hate you for your belief.
> If you are a Democrat, I do not hate you for your belief.
> If you are pro same-sex marriage, I do not hate you for your
> If you are a feminist Nazi, I do not hate you for your belief.
My God said that I am not to judge, because that’s His job. Do I fail Yes, I do. Do you fail? Yes, you do.
Why? Because we are human. Christ tells us,
“My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9).
So while we are human, we will continue to fail. But because I disagree with your view still does not mean I hate you, wish ill on you, or want to burn crosses to get your attention.
> Since I am a Christian, don’t hate me.
> Since I am a Constitutionalist, don’t hate me.
> Since I believe marriage is between a man and woman, don’t hate
> Since I believe that abortion is murder, and
> Men should still open the door for ladies, don’t hate me.
HOWEVER, I do not have to have the philosophy crammed down my throat that
I HAVE TO be tolerant, accepting, peace and love…
Harry Krishna kumbaya.
Harry Krishna kumbaya.
If I choose to say God’s name in public, I will.
If you don’t like it, don’t listen. If you choose to carry the Qu’ran, that is
your freedom OF (not FROM) religion, and yes, atheists still practice a “religion,”
whether they choose to think so or not. (The definition of “religion” is a
belief or faith or conviction.) If I don’t like it, that’s my problem. All I
can do is share my beliefs and build relationships, if you so choose to listen
that is up to you.
It means I love you enough to share the MOST important LOVE of my life. With you!
“God sent His only Son into the world, not to condemn the world but to save the world, which was lost.” (John 3:17).
Now, what is my gripe? I’m tired of seeing Obama turn my country’s (yes, it’s mine too) flag into propaganda for his campaign. It makes me ill to know that there are so many who have given their lives, and there are plenty of military men and women who still fight for that very flag today; yet, he desecrates it with his cause. I have other gripes with him, but that happens to be the latest, and no, if Mitt Romney were doing it, I would NOT be okay with it.My next theory is that it takes a lot of faith to be an atheist. I don’t know if I could muster that much faith and let my life slip by and end up in hell. I will not worship other God’s because I know Who the One true God is. I can discuss ‘religion’ all day long, but my worship is not about religion.
It is about a relationship.
I can tell you what God started in the Garden of Eden between Adam and Eve, and know that He makes NO mistakes. No, I did not go to Chik-Fil-A in order to tear people down. I went to lift up the name of Christ, and I was blessed. Does this mean I think someone who chooses a homosexual lifestyle should be shot or dragged through the street? Of course not. That’s stupid. But why do we have to deal with craziness such as ‘gay pride day?’ I don’t parade down the street half (or almost) naked slobbering all over my husband because of a HETEROSEXUAL pride day. What kind of logic is that?
It is not logic. It is irrational thinking that makes no sense. It teaches our children nothing.My next issue is that I believe abortion is murder. Why is that a problem if that’s my opinion? You are supposed to be the tolerant one, right? I am not one of the crazies who murder the doctors and blow up the clinics. That would make me just as bad as the doctor who kills the baby.
I can tell you what God started in the Garden of Eden between Adam and Eve, and know that He makes NO mistakes. No, I did not go to Chik-Fil-A in order to tear people down. I went to lift up the name of Christ, and I was blessed. Does this mean I think someone who chooses a homosexual lifestyle should be shot or dragged through the street? Of course not. That’s stupid. But why do we have to deal with craziness such as ‘gay pride day?’ I don’t parade down the street half (or almost) naked slobbering all over my husband because of a HETEROSEXUAL pride day. What kind of logic is that?
It is not logic. It is irrational thinking that makes no sense. It teaches our children nothing.My next issue is that I believe abortion is murder. Why is that a problem if that’s my opinion? You are supposed to be the tolerant one, right? I am not one of the crazies who murder the doctors and blow up the clinics. That would make me just as bad as the doctor who kills the baby.
That’s logical, fair reasoning.
Also, I think it’s pretty darn chivalrous of a man who takes the time to hold the door for a lady. I think we have lost the art of teaching our sons to be respectful; so, instead of respecting a gal he hits her, tells her he loves her in order to get what he wants, and last but not least, marriage gets thrown by the wayside. All because of a door? No, all because of a group of women who chose to say “men are not good enough” and “we don’t need you.”
That’s not logical. That’s ridiculous.
Now ladies, you may be sitting there saying, yeah fellows…. R.E.S.P.E.C.T., but don’t think you’re getting off free and clear. In order for him to respect you, stop lifting your skirt tails: Stop leading them on with your pouty eyes, low-cut shirts, daisy-duke shorts, and bra-less wonders. Modest is hottest, whether you believe it or not.
This entire blog post leads me to this: Stop tolerating me. Stop accepting me. It’s your right. Stop throwing your defenses up when someone disagrees with you. And please, stop saying I’m a hater when all I do is exercise my freedom of speech, religion, and the press. STOP spouting the ‘tolerance’ rhetoric out of both sides of your mouth, all the while expecting others to agree with you.
This is who I am. If you know me personally, you probably can't remember a time that I wasn't blatant, outspoken, and adamant in my beliefs. And I WILL NOT apologize.
Now, that’s logical.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Monday, July 2, 2012
The Eddie Bauer Baby Collection Giveaway Event is hosted by the Iowa-Mom and Bay Area Mommy!
Also, co-hosted by Simply Frugal Living and Learning to Limit!
Friday, June 15, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
The Eddie Bauer Baby Collection Giveaway Event hosted by the Iowa-Mom and Bay Area Mommy is now open to bloggers!
Cost is $2 or free with announcement post. See bloggers wanted details and signup form for more details.
If you choose to sign up, please note that My Lifesong Blog sent you!!! <3
Sunday, May 27, 2012
1st SOLO Giveaway!
My 1st SOLO giveaway!
Enter between 5/28 to 5/31
I took a poll and FREE COUPONS WON! Just use the Rafflecopter to enter :) GL
Thursday, May 10, 2012
GC=Grand Canyon=God's Creation
My newest post.
If you get a minute, I would love to share this with you!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Sunday, April 8, 2012
"Let Me Hold You Longer"
This is absolutely my favorite 'children's' book of all times! As parents we have baby books/calendars/journals to make sure we note the "First times" such as baby's first steps, first words, first tooth, etc. So what if it's the "last?" Perhaps the last time you have to help them dress or hold their bottle or rock them at night? There is so much that we take for granted though, particularly when it comes to our beautiful blessings. I know from personal experience. I look at my 17 year-old and go "WOW, she's eight months away from being a legal adult. *Insert scream here*
My 13 year-old has a similar effect on me when I look at her baby or toddler pictures and then I see how she, too, is turning into quite a beautiful young lady. All I really know about this "raising baby stuff" is that my own mom was right: They won't stay little long. My mom used to have a saying, "Right now they're under your feet, but one day they will be on your heart." I didn't get that for a long time. I thought, yeah, ok, Momma wisdom. Unfortunately, she was so very right.
See, I have thought for so long that I have been in control. I made sure my kids were fed, behaved appropriately, went to church, did their chores and homework, nurtured, etc. etc. etc. However, I have NEVER been in control. God has always provided. It is Him who has provided a hedge of protection. It is Him who has given me the resources to make wise, necessary decisions. So, just when I thought I had this thing down, I realized I had it all wrong.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Today I Will…
- Love my Lord, because He is my Father, and He is Worthy.
- Love my husband, because he is my partner, friend, lover, encourager, hand-holder, tear-dryer, spiritual leader, job working, awesome kind of man that God sent my way. He is truly my heart's desire.
- Love myself, because God does not make junk (you only see junk in creation because someone else has put it there!)
- Love my family, because they are His blessing and gift to me.
- Love my friends, because I am blessed with supportive and thoughtful people in my life.
- Love my co-workers, because I am blessed to have a job.
- Love my enemies, because forgiveness sets me free.
- Love those I don't even know, because when I do things for the "least of these" not only have I done it as unto God, but I am able to show His love to others.
These are hard "wills" to live by sometimes. We never know where our day may take us, but we have the opportunity to go freely. Now, what we choose to do with it is another story.
For today, and tomorrow, and the next day, try something new.
- Give over $5 to the person at the end of the exit ramp holding the "Will work for Food" sign. Just do it. You have no control over what he or she does with it, but I can tell you from personal experience, it is not on your head. Or donate that $1 to the grocery store for a shamrock, or wherever it is in your community. The biggest thing that will happen is not only will God *smile* but you will feel good about doing something "for your neighbor" or "the least of these."
- Call your husband at lunch time, take him lunch, or make him lunch to take with him (with a hot steamy love note!) Little things that we do for each other, whether it's every day or a surprise, mean so much to someone. This will put a skip in his step, a sparkle in his eyes, and a *smile* on his face. (Already 2 smiles so far!) Fostering and showing love is important. As Toby Mac sings "Love is a Verb": This is an action word, descriptions are great but the old adage "actions speak louder" really is true! So get moving!
- Spend some YOU time! What's stopping you from going on the ladies' retreat? Going to get a manicure? No money? Ok, what's stopping you from grabbing a book, blanket, and reading in the sunshine? Don't take electronics!!! No phone, no Ipad, no Kindle, no laptop: JUST YOU! Another *smile!* Suggested reading? Read a devotional (they're small for lack of time), take your bible, take Hemingway or Shakespeare, or Hunger Games. Or even one of my favorite short fiction writers, Fanny Fern. Yes, even Twilight, if you must.
- Speak positive. Ever heard the term "don't give the devil a foothold?" NO, I'm not getting all religious on you. Here's my point, negativity breeds negativity, thus overflowing to those around you. Don't feel positive? Start counting your blessings (like those beautiful, messy children you work so hard for! or your husband, fiancé, boyfriend, sibling, and/or friends) or "FAKE IT TIL YOU MAKE IT!" Yep, sometimes, if we tell ourselves over and over and over and over (like a skipping record lol), we will believe it. If this were not true, marketing TV commercials would be pointless.
- PS.... Gossip is NEGATIVITY! Stay away. Run for cover. Lock yourself in your room. Don't let the gossip hit your ears. If someone looks at you and says "Did you hear what so and so....?" Be BOLD. Just say NO! For garbage that Goes In, must always Go Out. GIGO. I'm also forewarning you that gossip sometimes comes in the form of a prayer request lol (e.g. "Please pray for Bobby-Sue. Her man's out running around on her, and just think of those babies......." You know you've heard it. You're probably visualizing someone at this very moment. You don't have to know the steamy details. God already does.
***On a side note, one great way to BE positive is to write positive statements on sticky notes and post them all around so you can read them no matter what room you are in (I do this some days). ***
I have only listed 3 things for you to do or 4 if you count the gossip separately. Do 1 or 2 or 3. Create new ones for yourself. Ultimately, you are in charge of what spoils or brightens your day. Be Bold. Take Charge of your sunshine flow. Don't let things crawl under skin and darken your day. Use those moments for the 'stuff' you have no control over, like sickness or death.
If you are a male reading this story, (no, I wasn't forgetting you guys), you can do these very same things. Love on your wives! They are your backbone. Support. Confidante. Helper. Make today not just "Population me" as Matthew West says, but rather population you plus however many lives you can touch today!
Monday, April 2, 2012
Bay Area Mommy has teamed up with some awesome bloggers to bring you this amazing chance to win the two hottest tablets in the market today!
Grand Prize: The New iPad (or $550 cash)
Second Prize: Kindle Fire (or $200 cash)
Second Prize: Kindle Fire (or $200 cash)
Entries will be accepted from April 1 at 12:01am EST until April 21 at 11:59pm EST. There are no mandatory entries but there are lots of ways to gain more entries to to the giveaway. The more tasks you complete, the more chances of winning!
Open worldwide. Must be at least 18 years old to be eligible for the prize. This giveaway is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook, Twitter, Apple or Amazon. Winners will be drawn on April 22 and will have 48 hours to respond to the notification email. Kindly include to your email’s whitelist to make sure that in case you are picked as the winner, the notification email would not go to your Spam folder.
Remember, the more tasks you complete, the greater your chances of winning! Have fun and good luck!
(Information is compliments of Bay Area Mommy's Website!)
(Information is compliments of Bay Area Mommy's Website!)
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Airplane? What? Really?
Ok, so I took my very first airplane ride. I'm 39. This should tell you it was not for pleasure. I wasn't afraid to fly; I had just never had a reason. So, my husband was in Boston over the weekend and had an accident on Sunday. I am very proud of myself that in a stressful situation that I can pull off making a plane reservation and kind-of knowing what to do afterward.
Initially, I had planned to go on my very first plane ride, in May with my family to visit (and meet new) in-laws that did and didn't come to the wedding. Not anymore lol. That will be my second flying experience.
So, my husband had a seizure and conked his noggin on the ground (I can say that with ease now). I wanted to be there so badly that if I could have wiggled my nose like Samantha Stevens, I would have been by his side instantly. The doctor's kept telling me not to catch a flight in case they needed more medical info. Ok... pacing, waiting, pacing, waiting, does not make for a happy wife (of only 4 months!)
Let me insert here the absolute LOVE shown by my family (his and mine!) My sister-in-law used her flying miles for my ticket! My sister made sure my kiddo was cared for! Lots of prayers from everyone, especially during a difficult time of cancer illness on the Donica side of the family! I <3 you ALL! You are priceless!!!
So I took the plunge.
Let me insert here the absolute LOVE shown by my family (his and mine!) My sister-in-law used her flying miles for my ticket! My sister made sure my kiddo was cared for! Lots of prayers from everyone, especially during a difficult time of cancer illness on the Donica side of the family! I <3 you ALL! You are priceless!!!
So I took the plunge.
My sister dropped me at the airport 40 minutes prior to my flight. Jet Blue (and this is my own deal... nothing sponsored or all that jazz) made my first flying experience better than I could ever have imagined, given the circumstances. From the ladies at the check-in counter to the gate (where they were already boarding lol) to the flight attendant! They all put my mind at ease and were so understanding.
I landed in Boston at 8:30 p.m., and thought "I'll take a cab to the hotel." Cab fares are nothing more than legal highway robbery. I am so thankful for my own vehicle, even with the price of gas! $117.70 later, I arrived at the Marriott Courtyard in Foxborough, MA, where I was treated like absolute FAMILY! The staff are the most precious people that God could have ever put in my path! Without pouring over all of the details, by the time I left the next day, I truly felt like I was leaving behind family! Kudos to this hotel (also nothing sponsored, nothing gained by the way, except good people looking out for others.) They were just awesome!
So, I couldn't find the key to my husband's rental car, and I was not paying another cab, because the hospital was Rhode Island Trauma Hospital. So, how was I going to get to another state? Especially since I had no idea of where I was in Mass. *sigh* So, I went to grab something to eat downstairs in the hotel's bistro, and I met Jackie. What a precious gift from Heaven! She did not get off from work until midnight, but offered me a ride to the hospital. WOW! Really? Yes, really! :)
At 1:20 a.m. I was by my precious husband's side having no idea of how we would get back to the hotel or anything else for that matter. I called the hotel the following morning to let them know that the car key was not in my husband's belongings. Immediately, they were on the phone with EMS and police officer that was on the scene to see if they may have kept it with them. No luck. Danielle (operations mgr.) was on the phone on our behalf speaking to Enterprise to try to see what could be done. WOW! Really? YEP! :) During the time I was on the phone with Danielle, Jackie sent me a text message asking how we were doing and if all was ok. No, I'm not making this up! It was SUPER!
Danielle sends a local proprietor named Great Woods Shuttle (no, not paid for this kudos either lol, even though the hotel did pay the fare for us : ). Russ, the gentleman who was driving just happened to be the owner. He was hot on the trail of the hotel because our flight home left at 3 p.m. and it was already 1 p.m. What a genuine and all-around nice fellow! He made us feel right at home! (And ps... he's a WHOLE lot cheaper than a cab fare!)
Back at the hotel, thankfully, my husband found the key immediately in his Saturday's clothing (who would've known?) We said many thank you's to the awesome staff (Karen, the G.M., Danielle). There hotel is beautiful and I can't wait to go back this summer and explore and enjoy time there.
So, off to the airport we return the rental to Enterprise, and apparently Danielle had explained our medical emergency and they comped the extra day for us! That's why I love Enterprise (nope... the only thing given was they comped the cost of the extra day and 4 gallons of gas).
We made our flight home with 20 minutes to spare! No colonoscopy from the TSA (probably the reason I haven't flown lol). And I was in the air, heading home, with my precious love by my side!) Wow! Isn't God awesome?!?!?!!! He put exactly the perfect people in my path during that 24 hour period! I could never show my gratitude to all of the great people who helped us, showed us so much concern, and became a permanent part of my family! Thanks to all!
Now, the most beautiful part.... my husband is doing well! 4 staples in his head from the fall, but I am blessed! Don't take a moment of life for granted. You never know what can happen in a split second. You never know if your last words to someone are truly your last words. I'm very thankful that our last words are ALWAYS...
I love you <3
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